Coming soon Hollywood movie African cats is the adventure film directed by Alastair Fothergill, Keith Scholey starring Samuel L. Jackson. Upcoming movie released on 22 apr 2011. Upcoming film is documentary adventure by genre.
The coming soon Hollywood film about the two cats family who teach their cubs the way of wild. The 6-month old cub, Mara, aim to follow his mother Layla's footsteps. Layla cub mother suffers a serious injury from a fight with other animals, making it more difficult for her to incline to Mara. Another character, Sita the adult cheetah, tries to protect her newborn cubs from the various dangers of the savanna. Fang is the leader of the pride, has recently broken his tooth in a battle with another animal. A equal group of lions headed by a lion named Kali are trying to take the seat of Fang, and Fang must prove that he is still the king.
Although all three of the stories take place on the African savanna, each adventure operates independent of one another. The upcoming film African cats is really the interested movie and you enjoy this movie most.
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Released date-:22Apr2011
Genre-: Documentry Adventure
nice, i love movie like this... especially wild life documenter...