Upcoming movies water for elephant is the coming soon holly wood movie directed by Francis Lawerence, starring Jim Norton, Dalmicio, Robert Pettinson. The running time of the movie is 2 hr and the movie released on 22 apr 2011. it is really good drama movie and you will enjoy this movie.
The story of upcoming movie is something share in this post .As the memories begin, Jacob is 23 years old and preparing for his final exams veterinary student when they receives the news that his parents were killed in a car accident. Jacob’s father was also a veterinary doctor and they also planned to train for them. When they learns that his father was in debt because he had been treating animals for free and they get the money from other for family home to provide Jacob an education, he has a breakdown and leaves school just short of graduation. So In the dark of night, they jump on a train only to learn it is a circus train. When the owner of the circus, learns of his training as a vet, they hired to care for the circus animals.
The head trainer, August, is a cruel man who abuses the animals in his care. Alternately, he can be utterly charming. Jacob develops a relationship with August and his wife, Marlena, with whom Jacob falls in love. August is untrusting of their relationship and beats Marlena and Jacob. Finally Marlena subsequently leaves August and stays at a hotel while she's not performing. Then the owner of circus tell all the things to Jacob and Jacob happily married with the august wife
Coming soon Hollywood movie is really the great movie which shows the affection between human and animals. To know more about the upcoming film you can visit
Released date-: 22 Apr 2011
genre-:Drama Movie
running time-: 2 hr
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